Jamie Chapman - Cloud Watching
This exhibtion was presented in tandem with new works from Billy McQueen.
Chapman & McQueen are both process led painters who retain something of a strong sense of narrative. While their work is pictorial in appearance, it’s concerned with the evocative potential of paint, embracing both the recent history of abstraction alongside broader traditions of narrative painting. Their process led approaches to the language and medium of painting, allows each to create resonant and ambiguous images which shift between the real and imaginary – pushing at the medium’s potential for depth and meaning.
Chapman’s Cloud Watching series uses the idea of cloud watching to explore the illusionistic potential of paint. Cloud watching is a passive activity; an enjoyable moment of pareidolia.
So what do we see in a cloud – a strange creature, a face? A cool picture, a twitter story? A news story, entertainment? Fluctuations in the market, investments lost and made? Shifting boarders, international and internal conflicts? A home lost; within it family and friends? Colourful pigments, seductive paint work, a few marks made by hand, the history of a movement?
A moment in time.
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Jamie Chapman - Cloud Watching
13 July - 1 August 2023
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