
Peter Miller | This Mortal Coil

Peter Miller | This Mortal Coil

This Mortal Coil is an exhibition of new work is centred around existence, the human condition and the environment we live in. Although perhaps better known as a still life painter, Miller has chosen to use the human figure as the carrier of narrative in a number of these paintings, in this way creating a stronger and sometimes a more obvious sense of narrative.

The imagery in this exhibition alludes to stories that arise from the myriad of things which pass constantly through his mind, reflections of his thoughts – in this case thoughts about human mortality, myth, beliefs and the effect that humans have on the environment and all life within it. Sometimes the painting and narrative evolves from a title that first springs to mind, while at other times a concept of the image begins either fully formed or becomes a component of a work that has yet to form fully in the mind, reworking itself as time passes and the painting progresses.

The stories, when indeed there is a story, are understood and often specifically nuanced to Miller but are not necessarily meant (or even needed) to be understood in the same way by the viewer. They can be suggestive of a story line through title, image and association but the viewer is free to bring their own reading and background to interpret – in the process creating a narrative of their own.